For only two more showings, Titan Theatre will perform two one act productions: “The Edgar Allan Poe Afterlife Radio Show” and a musical revue, “I am an American,” written by director Doc Worth.
“The Edgar Allan Poe Radio Show” features four Poe creations, including a group recitation of “The Raven,” one of his most notable works. Chase Bochenek as Poe and Sara Banks as the cat delivered humorous narrations throughout the play, while actresses Kallie Banks in “Tell Tale Heart” and Bella Warnick in “House of Usher” displayed an incredible commitment to both their 1940s personas and Poe characters.
Audience members should listen for the sound effects Titan Theatre has collected over the years that are performed by the foley artists on stage. According to Worth, their library of sounds ranges from a tornado to the sound of a ray of sunlight made from a slinky. “I hope [the audience] noticed that we pulled the foley artists down even further so they can see more of what they do,” Worth said.

The radio play also includes the return of audience-favorite radio commercials that remain true to the 1940s time period. The witty and sometimes musical commercials offer a comic break from the intense natures of Poe stories.
Worth first created “I am an American” in 1999 in response to the Columbine School shooting in Massachusetts. The show aims to remind the audience of the American spirit consisting “The play asks that when you see a negative act, article or event, that you respond by a positive one,” Worth said.
While preparing the show for this year, Worth added the Women’s Movement speech and focused attention on Wounded Knee in the excerpt about Native Americans, but kept the rest of the show true to its original showing. “I realized that the message is still just as pertinent and relevant the way it is now, which is good and bad. So I decided not to not to muddy it,” she said.
“I am an American” features incredible vocal performances from Sara Banks and Ashley Anoubon Momo in “God Bless America,” as well as from Eli Quinones and Kallie Banks in “God Bless the USA.”

Many relevant speeches from American history are spoken throughout the show including “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr. performed by Ashley Anoubon Momo.
The show closed with a recitation of the article written in response to the Columbine school shooting that inspired the show. “It really articulates how many heroic things were done that day,” Worth said.
“Its main message is you need to start listening to kids, because they have a lot to share with us and a lot to teach us. So I figured for my last year, it was a nice way to go out,” Worth said.
Tickets: $15 Adults, $10 Seniors, $5 Students, Free Admission LCPS Staff, Veterans, Military, First Responders
Next Shows:
Friday February 2nd at 7:30 PM at Dominion HS
Saturday February 3rd at 7:30 PM at Dominion HS