What Students Should Expect To Pay For Student Fees


Anastasia Simonenko

AP exam fees are just one of many costs that students need to pay.

Loudoun County Public Schools cover costs for students from all schools around the county. While some students can receive assistance, there are many fees we pay during our four years of high school. Here are some school fees you are paying during your time in high school:


Cost: $0

Previous cost: $200

Who pays? This year no one pays

Reason for changes: Loudoun County Public Schools waived the county-wide fee for all high school students that park on their school lot

Advanced Placement Testing

Cost: $97 for all AP classes except AP Seminar and AP Research which are $145 each

Who pays? Students enrolled in AP classes taking the final exam 

Can it be waived? Testing, lunches, and college application fees can be waived by LCPS for students who qualify for them. The qualification depends on family income and the amount of children in your family. To find out your eligibility, check in with your counselor to see if you qualify.

SAT and ACT Testing

Cost: SAT – $52 ($68 with writing) and ACT – $63 ($88 with writing)

Who pays? Students signed up for either one of the tests

Can it be waived? You can receive a fee waiver from your counselor if your family income qualifies for free testing 

School Lunch

Cost: $3.80 for the basic entree offered that day plus any additional purchases (such as chips and ice cream) cost extra

Who pays? Students

Can it be waived? Free lunches are one of the other waived fees if your family income qualifies for the waiver

Sports Games

Cost: $7 entry fee to all events (unless it is a VHSL sponsored event such as Regionals or States which are $10 each). There is also an offer for season passes to events all year which vary in price ($100 for an LCPS student pass, $250 for family all access, and $500 for all LCPS access for up to 6 immediate family members)

Who Pays? Students that attend any sports matches, games, or competitions within Loudoun County

Can it be waived? Every year, Dr. Brewer and the administration randomly select a number of students that receive free admission to events throughout the year. There is also a form request that can be signed by those who qualify for other benefits such as free testing and free lunch

College Application

Cost: Varies depending on the colleges or universities such as James Madison University ($70) and Virginia Tech ($75)

Who Pays? Seniors applying to colleges they attend after high school

Can it be waived? Seniors that are on the list to qualify for free testing and lunches