5 Questions with Miriam Gorbach

Miriam is a sophomore on the Jewish Student Union
Q1 – The Adopt a Survivor event for the Jewish Student Union is coming up on April 3rd. How many Holocaust survivors will be attending the event?
A1 – There will be a total of five survivors that will attending
Q2 – How important are the stories of the survivors in today’s world, to a generation that never witnessed the Holocaust first hand?
A2 – I think it’s really important because we can prevent history from repeating this tragic event and we can learn to be more sensitive about other people’s cultural differences
Q3 – What is the Jewish Student Union planning on doing for the event?
A3 – We are making sure that the survivors stories are shared and helping people understand how we can change for the better
Q4 – How does the Jewish Student Union plan on sharing their stories?
A3 – We share them through the adopt-a-survivor program. They have a website where you can pledge to tell a survivor’s story every Holocaust remembrance day.
Q5 – How ordinary students who are not a part of the JSU get involved and how can they help share the stories?
A5 – Anyone can go to the adopt-a-survivor website and look to many different stories they have there and pledge to tell them every year. They can also reach out to the JSU and ask for other ways to get involved.

Michael Godek has been on DHS Press staff for two years. He covers politics, school clubs and helps cover sports for the newspaper. He joined the school...