On a night where Dominion sports teams, also, faced success, members of the Dominion Theatre program took home theater “gold”, as 5 Dominion students won Cappie’s awards in props and acting.
The Blue Ridge Cappies Gala was held on May 22 and was the culminating event for high school theater programs of 18 schools, where nominees and winners were honored for 42 categories.

Titan Theatre was nominated in 5 categories: props, lead actor in a female role in a play, comedic actor in a female role in a play, comedic actor in a male role in a play, and lead actor in a male role in a play.
Students Bee, Jessica, Cass, and Clark Maier, won an award for their prop work for the play, the Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon. Cass Sanzano attributes their award to “putting in so many hours of work into that show and creating so many props,” Sanzano said.
The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon was a comedic showcase where 209 fairy tales were fit into a 2-hour show; the Spectaculathon ran from November 18 through the 26.
Actor Chase Bochenek took home an award for his role as “The Actor” in the Spectaculathon. “I definitely was shocked when I won; I was not expecting that. I was stunned. I had a moment of shock when I was walking up on stage; it felt surreal,” Bochenek said. While it was a shock for him, Titan actor Ian Lambert felt differently, “I was super excited for him. I had a feeling he was gonna win because of his role and I was really happy for him,” said Lambert.
Titan Theatre looks to continue its success next year, as they are set to welcome a new Director, Dana Maier.