Dual Enrollment Comes to Dominion


This is the first-year Dominion High School is offering Dual Enrollment at the school. Dual Enrollment classes allow high school students (typically seniors) to take college level classes and get college credit. Since this is the first-year Dominion is offering it at the school, only upperclassmen can take these courses.

According to the Director of School Counseling, Ms. Smith said, “Dual Enrollment has amazing benefits for students in the fact that you get guaranteed college credit if you pass the class.” Some benefits of Dual Enrollment are that each class offers 6 college credits and they get transferred to the college you enroll in. Also, one of the main things colleges look for is the rigor of your courses and Dual Enrollment is considered a very rigorous college course.

Colleges also look favorably at Dual Enrollment courses just as they do AP and honors courses. Ms. Smith shared that not all colleges accept credits and advise students to call their choice of college’s administration offices to ask if they accept the credits and how they accept them. Dual enrollment offers the experience of what it is like to be in a college level course, expanding critical thinking skills, knowledge, and ability to pursue advanced level course work and thinking.

As of right now the only Dual Enrollment courses are English 12, US History, Geo Spatial, and Independent Science Research which are all upperclassman courses. Although, Ms. Smith shared that they hope to expand those courses in the future.