The disease of senioritis has plagued myself alongside many other seniors as our time at Dominion comes to an end. Senioritis, a common occurrence for seniors in high school and college, is an extreme lack of motivation and a decline in academic performance as the finish line comes closer each day.
Procrastination is already a challenge for students of all grade levels but senioritis increases procrastination at an extraordinary rate.
Many seniors’ mindset during the second semester is “Why does this matter? I’ve already been accepted into college,” which can be detrimental to students’ mental health. Senioritis has negatively impacted my mental and physical health throughout the year when a lack of academic motivation leads to lack of motivation across other areas.
Although hope may seem lost, it’s important to overcome senioritis and end the year on a high note. Simply enjoying the nicer weather and increased daylight hours since “springing forward” can serve as a catalyst to get out of an academic funk.
Attempting to cure one’s senioritis can also include employing different productivity techniques. In my experience, setting aside a time when I get home to strictly focus on schoolwork allows me to get into a routine of consistent work that has been incredibly beneficial. Also starting work immediately when I get home prohibits me from procrastinating or making excuses that ultimately lead to more stress.