Prom Date Differs from the Norm


Prom is a classic high school tradition that many upperclassmen students participate in, not just the one night but throughout the whole scheduling process. But some students this year have expressed their concern over the change that has occurred with the scheduling this year.

Prom is usually the first or second Saturday in June but this year it is the second to last Saturday in May, May 20th. For some reason this schedule change has caused much controversy among students.

It is a tradition that the junior class plans and organizes prom and the class sponsor for that class is a teacher at the school who helps to “bounce ideas in meetings, and help [the juniors] prepare for their duties involving prom,” said junior class sponsor Ms. Siu.

The reason that prom is so much earlier this year is because “there’s some kind of convention going on that time and we couldn’t book a venue during that time so we had to go with a different date,” Siu said.

Despite the change in date, “We have our venue, we have our DJ, and we have our theme. We do need to focus on the decorating for now,” Siu said. This year, the theme for prom will be Enchanted Forest and there will be a photo booth included but that is all the details available at the moment.

There will be elections coming up soon for junior class officers to help in the process of planning, organizing, and decorating to make prom a night to remember for all participating students.