Miss Tuya has been teaching Lilly ballet for 10 years.

Miss Tuya has been teaching Lilly ballet for 10 years.

Thank You Ms. Tuya

Dear Miss Tuya,

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week and the first person I thought of to thank is you. You first started teaching me ballet when I was four years old but have taught me far more than how to coordinate my arms and legs since then. I’ve learned the discipline of dance and the beauty of the art form from you, but most importantly you’ve taught me how to love what I do. 

I’ve learned how to love dancing even when it’s hard and I’m tired and frustrated. I am forever addicted to bettering myself in all aspects, thank you. You push me to perform at levels that I didn’t imagine I was capable of and you’ve never given up on me. I’ve learned the true meaning of perseverance through years of studying under you and I get to apply this attitude wherever I go.

You motivate every student you train and put everything you have into your students. Your devotion to your students is admirable and immensely appreciated. You create an environment where students feel safe and encouraged to grow. Thank you for being a friendly face and creating a sort of ‘second home’.

Not only do you train students to the best of their potential, but you show them what a teacher is and can be. Through your example you show your students what it means to inspire others and then you give them opportunities to pay it forward. 

You’ve trained students to be capable of teaching future generations because we’ve learned from the best. Thank you for preparing us. As I’ve gotten older you’ve trusted me with students of my own and now I know that nothing is more fulfilling or worthwhile. Thank you for equipping your students with everything they need, and more, for impactful lives like your own and thank you for inspiring me everyday.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week. 

Your student, 

Lilly Cameron

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