The impact that Mr. Rowles has on Neena goes far beyond just being a band director.

courtesy of Ryan Rowles

The impact that Mr. Rowles has on Neena goes far beyond just being a band director.

The Sweet Sounds of Appreciation: Thank You Mr. Rowles

I will be forever grateful for my experience in the band program for these past four years, and I owe so much of what I’ve learned to my amazing director. 

I remember it like it was yesterday: it was the first day of eighth grade, and the entire class was anxious to meet our new teacher. When Mr. Rowles walked in, I don’t think we understood how much we would be moved by his spirit and lessons. 

His relentless enthusiasm and dedication to create a valuable experience for us makes him the perfect band teacher. Even in the midst of the music, his conducting is bright and encouraging. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked up in the middle of a piece and just cracked a smile because of his outpouring exuberance. 

He also never hesitates to help or learn about us. When I was struggling to improve my horrific tone in eight grade, he knew exactly how to help my stubborn and extremely shy self to play better and open up to people. Since then, I’ve known that I can go to him for help or encouragement whenever I need it.  Even now, he manages to find the right thing to say that makes an actual difference in my performance. 

The daily generosity and perseverance of Mr. Rowles not only inspires me to do better, but I believe touches every person he meets. I cannot have asked for a better teacher. 

So, to Mr. Rowles, I just want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me and for the band program as a whole throughout this unfortunately short COVID season and throughout the years. I will always be glad to have had you as my director and can’t wait for our last year together.

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