Teacher Tuesday: A Day in the Life with Anthony Demott
Demott clearly has a love of reality TV, moving from his first love of Survivor to The Bachelorette these days.
7:00AM-7:15AM: My dog Maggie starts whining around 7, so I begrudgingly get up and walk her. One of us enjoys it.
7:15 AM-9:00 AM: I eat breakfast and try to get as much work done as I can before school starts, because I like to have my afternoons/evenings to relax as much as possible.
9:00AM- 2:37PM: Class time. I’ve been teaching from home, as has Mrs. DeMott. Sometimes my step kids are also here attending their online classes, so we’ve got a full house of online schooling. Maggie usually hangs out with me during class, sometimes making a cameo on screen. I teach Research Biology, Environmental Science, and AP Environmental Science.
I also use time between classes to do dishes and laundry. Since I’m already in work mode, this is the most likely time that I’ll actually feel motivated to do them.
2:37PM-4:07PM: I have planning last block every day which is an amazing set up.
4:10PM-4:30PM: Dog walk #2.
4:30PM-10:00PM: Depending on the day, this time frame consists of some combination of: napping, basketball practice, working out, watching tv (right now it’s The Bachelorette; this is Mrs. DeMott’s fault), making dinner (or carryout when I’m feeling lazy), playing board games on zoom calls.
10:00PM: Dog walk #3.
11:00PM: Bed Time. I try anyway. It’s usually a bit later than this.