Netflix Pick: The 4400


A comet rushes toward earth, slowing just as it appears in the line of sight of terrified individuals all around the world. Suddenly, it bursts, and 4400 individuals emerge—people who had been thought dead or missing for the past half-century. This is how The 4400, a cancelled USA Network program which spanned four seasons, begins.

There’s been a strong online movement to bring back The 4400—which since its cancellation in 2007 has become something of a cult classic—and after watching it’s not difficult to tell why. Though it quickly descends into the zany and borderline unbelievable, The 4400 tells an action-packed story with few dead moments about what it would be like if people showed up one day on Earth with superpowers.

The show’s cast isn’t loaded with big names—it stars Joel Gretsch and Mahershala Ali—but the actors are normally convincing in portraying their characters as they learn about and maneuver the brave new world around them. The show’s special effects operate similarly well, never too ostentatious while making the storyline far more believable.

The drama, intrigue, and conspiracy which weaves its way into The 4400’s storylines proves it an intersection between several different genres—science fiction, mystery, fantasy, and crime drama—and thus brings its appeal to a wider audience. If you’re looking for a new TV series to enjoy on Netflix, give The 4400 a try—you won’t regret it.