How long did you teach at Dominion?
I think I over 15 years.
What classes did you teach here?
I taught mostly World History, but I taught Economics and Psychology, world of ideas. Those are the main classes.
What class was most memorable?
I don’t have any one memorable particularly member like there are a number of different classes I enjoy teaching, but no particular one that I’d say was the most memorable.
Did you have any favorite classes?
There’s no particular one I remember, there are lots of favorite classes, lots of good classes. Depends on who’s in the class and what happens during the year and stuff like that. Usually it’s a positive thing.
How long have you been retired for?
Just since last June into the last school year.
How long of a break did you have between teaching and subbing?
Well, we’re required to not do so the first month, and then you have to also apply to be a sub, and it takes a while to get approved. So they’re different process. You have to fill out the paperwork, and you have to get data printed and stuff like they do background checks on you and stuff like that takes a while.
What is your current position at Dominion?
A long term sub.
Why did you make your decision to come back here?
Well, Dominion’s a good school. I like working here, and I like the students. I like most of the teachers and the administrators. So I don’t know some other schools, but I know this school, so that’s the main reason why.
Outside of substituting, how do you spend your free time?
[I spend time] looking after family members [and] trying to help family members. That’s my other main purpose but I do other things too. Maybe travel a little bit.
Do you have any other plans or goals for retirement?
I like to do more traveling and like to visit various family members, especially now that I don’t have to come every day to school. I have a little more flexibility than the case with somebody else that’s working full time, especially during the week. So depending upon what my wife is doing or what other family members are doing, I can try to coordinate a lot easier than, during the time I was working here at Dominion. You’re limited to vacations like Christmas break, spring break, summer vacation. So it’s unusual compared to most other professions.