Getting Involved with Homecoming

This week Dominion’s hallways will be transformed into the beauty and wonder of noble states, transporting students and teachers to the sights of states over our great country. Many students are encouraged to make the magic though I believe some students don’t understand how much help they can be. A shortage of students and teachers creates stress to finish hallways by Thursday and cause them to hurry which may result in a sloppy hallway which would lower a grade’s chance of winning!

What students don’t understand is that only teachers clean away the magic which makes their day harder and longer then if students helped then clean-up would go faster and not be as hard. Helping setting or cleaning up the hallways is a great way for students who are bored at home. Decorating hallways will give them something fun to do and help show their creativity.

If more students helped decorate the hallways it would show students who don’t help how much work it can be and perhaps encourage them to help. More elegant and creative hallways are a result of more students helping and that means a grade’s chance of winning is higher so more student helpers could make their grade win. Hallway decorating is a great way for students to get involved, show their creativity, and have fun!