If I am ever on Jeopardy and asked “what does ‘cc’ stands for in an email”, don’t fret, I know the answer because of Titan Time. Whenever I hear the words “Titan Time” a flash of fond remembrance courses through my body, as I remember the previous years where I sat in the cafeteria and peacefully did my homework, daydreaming about what I would wear to that night’s football game.
This year, along with putting my phone in jail, Titan Time has a different connotation, to me. It means 20 minutes of my life where I stare at an overfilled Google slideshow and now daydream of the bell that dismisses me from here.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand the idea of bridging student-teacher connections and being in a group that stays with you for the next four years, but I lose appreciation for the fact that 50 minutes of my school week is taken over by dull, lackluster lessons that lead me to stare at a wall and dream of what the name Titan Time used to mean.
As the first semester comes to a close, there is no reason for Titans to go through another semester of useless Titan Times. Though I am grouped with students from all four grades, we don’t gain the opportunity to actually get to know each other, to a point where we would be able to have a true, non-sterile relationship. It would be more beneficial if students took a personality quiz or personal interests quiz, through School Links, and were paired with a student from a different grade who could build a relationship with that individual, since they have similar interests.
Titan Time’s lessons have to be catered towards the lives of Titans after high school. Lessons like resume-building, job searches, networking, and email-writing would actually benefit students and help prepare them for life after high school.
High school is a place where students should be prepared for the future, build true lasting relationships and be given opportunities to learn about what it takes to be successful after high school.
Titan Time needs a total renovation and I am just happy I have only one year of this.