Titan Territory has had a lot of work done regarding the Athletics Department, a new turf was added, and a weight room remodel is currently being undergone. A separate new addition to the Titan’s stadium is a video board.
Athletic Director Darrell Wilson is currently acquiring quotes from Daktronics, a company that manufactures video boards. Dominion’s new video board is a massive investment. “We can safely assume that it would be a six figure number,” Wilson said.
If used effectively, the video board would have a tremendous impact and hopefully increase fans attendance at games. Dominion, itself, can’t accommodate the cost of the video board; they would need a sponsorship program through ATLAS to receive these funds.
“That’s revenue year over year [from the video board’s sponsorships] that you could use to spend on [other programs],” Wilson said regarding sponsorship revenue from a video board.
The utilization of the video board will dictate how impactful it is, “you could do a lot of cool things with a video board, for sure,” former head football coach Drake Woodard said. “It’s definitely a wild factor, when you have a wild factor it definitely brings more people in,” Woodard said.