Walking around Titan Territory, you will see lots of construction around athletics as the upgrades started last year are starting to wind down. Dominion recently received new athletic upgrades to the turf field, tennis courts, weight room, softball, and baseball fields.

Just six years old, the turf field was replaced over the summer. Athletic Director Darrell Wilson said, “The old turf was failing. It was not going to be useful after last year.” Field hockey assistant coach Bradley George said, “I was very very pleased that we got new turf.”
Issues also existed on the tennis courts, where the bases were cracking. Fixing them would only push the issue, therefore it was decided to fully put in new ones. Other improvements included adding lights.

Approved years prior by LCPS, Dominion is upgrading their baseball and softball fields by adding press boxes. The press boxes are currently under construction and expected to be finished in time for the season. NFHS cameras will also be installed to allow for live streaming.
Also on the county list of upgrades, the expanded weight room is scheduled to be finished in about a month, later than expected resulting in the wrestling room being used as the weight room.

Wilson explained about the upgrades, “I think they’re phenomenal, I mean it’s awesome.”
Wilson said, “The new turf is already affecting play and experience for our athletes, same thing for the tennis courts.” The tennis teams are now able to have later matches and practices due to the added lights, meaning student-athletes will not have to leave school early to play their match before it’s dark out.
The press boxes just increase the experience for everybody at those games, with having announcers and a sound system. Saving staff time from setting up as well. When the expanded weight room is finished multiple teams will be able to fit and work in the weight room.
Another future project that impacts Titan athletes is the rebuild of Park View. Wilson said, “[For] the Park View rebuild, they will be putting a turf field on lower Seneca with a track on it predominantly for Park View, for the next couple years. Once Park View’s renovations are over it will be a second field for Dominion.” Wilson stated that it was already supposed to have started with a projected completion during the spring season.
Next summer, the gym floor will be repainted and re-sanded with more of a new upgraded look. Dominion also has a group of people who are interested in working with local businesses and sponsorships to put video boards in at the stadiums and gyms.