I’ve been staring at a blank document for two weeks now because I honestly don’t know where to start. People always talk so fondly about high school, but I don’t think I can relate. I will definitely remember you all in therapy though!
These have been some of the hardest years of my life which I know sounds strange coming from a 17-year-old. In my defense, over the last four years there was a global pandemic, my family life got hectic, and I struggled mentally. Honestly, I’m just praying that these aren’t the “good old days” everyone talks about because if so, I have a lot to worry about.
My junior and senior year were especially tough but somehow, I managed to build great relationships. I have made friends that I truly hope will last me forever. I can’t imagine my life without my best friend Chase, he has been there by my side through a lot of what went on in my life and never failed to stick around and try to cheer me up. I can only hope I make friends like him in the years to come.
I have made a lot of other incredible friends that I can’t even begin to name and without them I don’t think I’d be who I am today. In the last three months I have also become so close with people to the point that it feels like we have a soul tie. I truly regret not meeting them or getting close with them sooner. I wish we could’ve been day ones.
Speaking of day ones, a person I have to thank for helping me get this far is Mr. Schwartz. Thank you for always encouraging me and doing whatever you can to let me know that I was supported. I will forever be grateful that I got to spend four years with you even if it was in the cell we call L620.
I also want to thank Ms.Menickelly for her incredibly kind and welcoming energy. Thank you so much for always supporting and listening to me. You have impacted my life more than you can imagine.
I will not miss high school or my life during high school, but I will miss the community I had at Dominion whether it is my friends or my teachers. Thank you all for what you have done, you will forever be appreciated.