From sitting on the couch as a kid watching Meet the Press with his parents to working on its set, former Titan and DHSPress alum Kevin Myers has proven that dreams do come true. After graduating Dominion in 2021, Myers is now at the University of Texas at Austin, double majoring in Radio-Television-Film and Journalism, and will be spending his summer working an internship with Meet The Press, a highly prestigious NBC talk show.
After a lengthy interview process, Myers got call-backs from the shows Hallie Jackson Now and Meet the Press, and eventually landed the Meet the Press Spot after a couple more interviews. “I’m most excited to be on set for the first time for NBC News, which I’ve been watching with my parents since elementary school. One of the things that makes me most nervous is being in a room full of all these incredible seasoned reporters and producers, and having to come up with pitches is definitely something that’s a little bit daunting,” Myers said.
Myers work during the internship will include producer tasks such as bringing ideas to pitch meetings every day, preparing information for anchors, and welcoming guest interviewees.
Myers got his journalistic start in Mr. Schwartz’s journalism class. During his time there, he worked with PBS Newshour Student Reporting Labs, attending their summer academy, winning an award for PBS’s 20 under 20 Young Storytellers in the year 2020, as well as creating video documentaries for Dominion’s Dance Team.
“A lot of the skills that I learned in Mr. Schwartz’s journalism classes have definitely given me a leg up over a lot of my peers here at UT,” said Myers, adding that “really thinking about the story ahead of time before I even touch video editing software and knowing how to structure a story [are the] most valuable skills that I learned.”

Myers’ biggest advice for students looking to go into a field such as journalism is “There’s no downside to applying for everything and seeing what happens. Take all the opportunities that come your way because having those important opportunities on your resume helps you get more in the future. You always learn something that will help you no matter what the opportunity is, no matter where you are. Take everything you can get and then worry about how you can make it happen logistically.”
This is one of Myers first steps in his journalistic career, and he is “hoping that having this connection with NBC Universal will give me the connections to hopefully get a producer position working for NBC News when I graduate.”
Meet The Press airs on Sundays on NBC at 10:30 am on the NBC-TV network.