Entering the building through two separate clearings or walking into the main office from inside the school can be a daunting task for new arrivals to be faced by unfamiliar faces. What students may not know is just how valuable each person there is to the success of Dominion.

The first face Titans are greeted by as they enter the main office is Beverly Milla. As the administrative assistant at the front desk, Ms. Milla welcomes in parents, students, and staff to the building. She helps sign in visitors, print visitor badges, and answers phone calls and the intercom at the front of the building.
Look through the windows beyond Milla and to the far left sits the athletics administrative assistant Churchill Clendenin. As support to the athletic director Darrell Wilson and assistant AD Anne Gasser, Clendenin prepares rosters for games, and helps athletes register, and turn in physicals. Ms. Clendenin works with club and organizations to volunteer in the concession stands and the front office to coordinate school field trip transportation.

Next to Clendenin, students can find the desk of Lidelmarie Santiago. As an attendance coach Ms. Santiago keeps up with students who are frequently absent. Whether it is making a plan with the parents or the students about how to better the issue, Santiago lets Titans know they belong here.

At the end of the row, students can find Cristina Wyche. While not frequently visited by students, Wyche makes sure students are always in good care. Wyche is a beloved friend to Dominion substitute teachers as she helps plan with teachers and schedule substitutes ensuring the school is always running smoothly.

The third desk in the group belongs to Patricia Moutran, formerly found on the other side of the sliding windows. Some of the Titans have created a close bond with Moutran, the attendance administrative assistant and visit her every morning. Being the staff member well known for a long line of students waiting to speak to her starting at 9:31 after the bell, Moutran sorts through tardy students. Excused or unexcused tardy, she is your person, there approving early dismissals and collecting attendance from teachers and substitutes.