New Bathroom Layouts to be Piloted at Dominion and Two Other LCPS High Schools
New bathrooms are set to be opening in the fall of 2023
In the fall of the 2023-24 school year, Dominion will open four gender-inclusive restroom locations for both staff and students. Dominion will undergo the addition of the gender-inclusive restrooms as well as vaping/air quality monitors, occupancy sensors, a notification system for at-risk situations, and cloud based monitoring alongside the two other pilot schools, Broad Run and Heritage.
The new restrooms will be located in the entrance to the 100, L100, 500 and L500 hallways. The new technology will not include camera and audio recording, but does give the opportunity for administration to monitor bathroom activities.
The Commonwealth of Virginia established Policy 8040 Rights of Transgender and Gender-Expansive students, which LCPS School Board adopted in August of 2021. “The Commonwealth of Virginia established a law that you had to have other bathroom options, we obviously worked very hard to make sure that we complied with the law. What we’ve got going on right now is developing, essentially, a school restroom, privacy and safety pilot program [which is] designed to support the needs of all students and staff,” Acting Public Information Officer Daniel Adams said.
Construction will begin during the summer and will finish in early fall. “The restrooms which are being reconstructed will be inaccessible and not in use during that period of time. During certain phases of the construction, there may be some impact to adjacent areas although our construction team will work to minimize impacts and disturbances to the schools’ daily operations,” Loudoun County Director of Construction Joe Pascarelli said.

Callie Stravinski is serving as the Co-Editor-in-Chief, for her senior year. Her freshman year, she stumbled into the journalism program and has remained...