Teeing Off for Titans: The 17th Annual TABC Golf Classic
On a clear, breezy day, full of competition and fundraising, the Titan community came together to support athletics and students in need through their 17th annual Dominion Golf Classic.
Taking place at 1757 Golf club, the classic was headed by Titan parents Francis Hodsoll and Pete Leinbach. “[The Golf Classic] is in its 17th year, and it is a charity golf event where we raise money for ATLAS. The funds raised are provided to students to participate in different extracurricular activities, and we want to support all Titans here,” Hodsoll said.
Since the first year ATLAS started this fundraiser, they have raised nearly half a million dollars, according to volunteer Ben Miller. This year, ATLAS had a goal to make $50,000.

“We would like to always make between $40,0000 or $50,000 each year, and then always try to grow it every other year after that. I think our highest amount ever pre-pandemic was $44,000,” ATLAS President Natalie Earley said.
Not only does ATLAS raise money through the golf event and generous sponsors and donors, but also from the silent auction that takes place after the golf outing. The silent auction had items for nearly everyone, such as concert tickets, baskets, sporting event tickets, travel packages, and unique Titan experiences, such as “Principal for a Day,” “Athletic Director for a Day,” and even the ability to be the “First Senior to Pick a Parking Spot” for the 23-24 school year.

The event was able to be put on with the generous donations from companies and families in the community. “There’s 40 sponsors, and then there’s probably another 40 or 50. donors to the silent auction. We think 100 plus people have generously donated to this event, and then there’s another 20 or so volunteers that have generously donated their time,” Hodsoll said.
The money raised will be distributed to assist every student in school and in extracurricular activities. “[The funds] are going to support programs and allow kids to be able to participate who might not be otherwise [able to]. It’s going to go towards scholarships, we give away five $1,000 scholarships to seniors [each year]. It also supports the programs within the school, making sure that we can do all kinds of teacher appreciation events and support the students and really filling the gaps wherever they might be,” Corresponding Secretary Lauren Comi said.
“I donate because I know that the money goes to good causes. We have a very diverse school in terms of ethnicity, religion, but also in terms of socioeconomic status. There are many students with an abundance of resources to pursue their interest, but on the other extreme, there are many students who don’t come from that sort of affluence. These types of programs level the playing field and provide opportunities for students who otherwise would not have them,” Jeffrey Dunn, government teacher and golf tournament participant, said.

Titans Parents, Faculty, and community members began to arrive at 9 AM, and all 112 of them began with a shotgun start at 11 AM. “This is my first time playing in the Golf Classic, and with my daughter being a senior, I knew this was the last time I could participate before she went off to college. Since she’s my last kid, before she leaves the nest, I did not want to miss this. I really made a priority effort to come out to support ATLAS and the Titans today,” Doug Kriesel, Titan parent and golf participant, said.
“I would golf every day of the week if I could, because I love the game. I love tournaments, and I like the opportunity to interact with the community of parents at Dominion High School, particularly as a person who is greatly involved in the international travel that we do. Being able to travel with students who were given the opportunity because of the support that the families give and the funds they raise. One of the many things these tournaments finance are trips for the kids that cannot afford it,” Dunn said.

“The biggest takeaway is that this event is for everybody. It doesn’t matter if you all are supporting by volunteering, you can support it by serving on the committee, and you can support it by bidding on the auction items. It’s definitely not just a golfer event, it’s for the whole community,” Comi said.

Caelan Jones is Editor-in-Chief for DHS Press, where she has served for 3 years as a part of the program. As a Senior at Dominion, Caelan has been a part...