Link Crew Hosts First “Cookies and Cram”
Link crew helps freshmen catch up on school assignments before the end of the quarter and semester.
After school on Wednesday January 11th, rather than going home, around 30 freshmen stayed after school to receive help from Link Crew leaders in the cafeteria to “cram” before the end of the quarter which ends on January 20th as part of the “Cookies and Cram” event.
Students were given cookies and snacks while approximately 15 link crew leaders worked as tutors for different subjects so the freshmen could catch up on assignments before the quarter ends.
Link crew leader Mariam Shaikh said, “We’re always trying to connect freshmen with other people, help them form friends and relationships, but at the same time, [this is] a chance for them to also catch up at the end of the quarter because the end of the quarter is so hard for everyone.”
Students seemed to enjoy getting some work done with their friends. Freshman Amaya Desnoyers said, “It is really good because I get to hang out with my friends after school, do work, [we can] help each other and there are amazing upperclassmen to help me do my work.”
Other students found the change of environment helpful for them and let them focus better. Freshman Yusra Naveed said, “A lot of the time people just push their things away, but then once they’re in a working environment, they’ll actually get some stuff done.”
Link crew did a similar event earlier this year and found it helpful, they plan on hosting this event multiple times. Shaikh said, “We are definitely hoping to host this more than once.”

Alla Abdelhalim is an Assistant Editor currently serving her second year writing for DHS Press. Alla is a senior that has been involved with the journalism...