SCA Revelations

Changes for the school year: SCA now has two co-sponsors.

Instead of having only one sponsor the Student Council Association (SCA) has adopted a new structure where there are now two co-sponsors, Corey Burns and Rebecca Smith.

Both Burns and Smith are Dominion alumni who have both helped run school activities in the past. Burns helped out with prom last year and Smith joined the leadership program her last two years of high school and was an SCA officer when she was in high school. Although both are very excited to help SCA, there are many challenges to come, especially during homecoming week.

According to Smith, being a former Dominion student allows for less of a learning curve and makes for an easy transition into being a co-sponsor. One major challenge she will have to deal with is the balancing of her time being a new world history and leadership teacher and now co-sponsor. Although there is a heavy workload, she wishes to see an increased membership in SCA and more student representation and hear the student’s voices.

Burns took this role as a co-sponsor because he believes it is a learning experience and he wants to see more students involved. Another reason Burns accepted the role as co-sponsor is because he wishes to take on an administration position in the future; SCA allows him to do administrator-like tasks. Even though he is also involved in the wrestling program at Potomac Falls, which will become stressful and more time consuming, he says that having another co-sponsor will lower the load for each individual sponsor.

The SCA president, Shannon Weatherly, said she enjoys having the two new co-sponsors. Weatherly says that having two former Dominion students as co-sponsors works to SCA’s advantage since they knew what worked in high school and are very excited to see how much students now have changed from when they were in high school. Weatherly also stated that two heads are better than one and having a male and female perspective in the leadership roles is helpful since both sides are properly represented.

The co-sponsors are trying to make SCA something people want to be involved in, rather than having all the same people join SCA every year. The setup of SCA has become more organized, and they are working hard towards getting the whole school involved in making decisions and having a fun time during spirit weeks and dances.