Meet Your New SCA President
Newly elected Muad Nashnoush is excited to represent the student body next year.
Announced last Friday, Muad Nashnoush, being interviewd by Tyler Whitfield, will be next year’s SCA president.
In the aftermath of last Wednesday and Thursday’s SCA election, one student has emerged victorious as the school’s new student council president. If you didn’t see Tyler Whitfield’s announcement, his name is… drumroll please… Muad Nashnoush.
Outside of his upcoming duty as SCA president, the junior participates in a wide variety of activities including the Muslim Student Association (MSA), the soccer and track team, and has been a part of DECA and National Honor Society. In response to his win, he said, “I’m glad that the people at this school wanted me to come in and represent them.”
More specifically, with the help of his the other newly-elected officials, Nashnoush plans to diversify the spirit days of the past (for example, pitching a new “glow-in-the-dark day”) as well as host more pep rallies.
While trying to increase school spirit, that SCA includes everyone is his first priority. “I will promise to give 100% effort to make the school into a positive and culturally-accepting environment” was a quote from the campaign slides from Nashnoush.
One aspect he seeks to improve upon this year is their efforts at communication with one another, and the school as a whole. Project Management teacher and SCA sponsor Mr. Kroeze agreed,“We have to have to be better about how we communicate,” with examples like “making sure people recognize that there’s SCA Instagram, [other] social media outlets besides Instagram, and more creativity [in] how we communicate through posters and flyers.”
Nashnoush’s plans also include an increased social media presence. “We’re definitely going to try to post a lot on social media because we know that a lot of kids, if they don’t know what’s happening, won’t be able to participate,” he said.
Kroeze is especially excited about Nashnoush’s presidency and next year’s elected officials. “We have a group of students who’ve been elected that are really dedicated and committed to our school, and they represent a really broad community across Dominion, which makes it easier in the classroom to know that, when we’re planning events, we’re able to represent the student body of Dominion well,” Kroeze gushed.
Diversity, as Kroeze explained above, seems a necessity to ensure that SCA is effective in creating experiences for the whole of Dominion to enjoy. “The broader our Student Council is, the easier it is to plan events that everybody knows it’ll be fun,” he said.
Looking to keep some of the plans from a Covid year, Kroeze said,“I think there are aspects of outdoor pep rallies and outdoor homecoming that made the event[s] really unique, and aspects of that will definitely carry forward into next year. From an event standpoint, it has made all of us stronger, more creative, and more thoughtful about what we’re doing.”
At the end of the day, Nashnoush said, “I’m most looking forward to planning out the events for the school and adding my own little twist to the pep rallies and homecoming. I really want you to know [that]I have a lot of ideas in mind, [and] I want to make a change.”
“Be prepared for the amount of fun and joyfulness to happen next year,” he said.
The other positions have been elected as follows:
VP of Events
Isabella Paz
VP of Communication
Arjun Prasad
VP of Outreach
Sophie Phillips
Tia Bhatnagar
Harein Abeysekera
Hamza Alkalamchi

Neena Peterson, the Co-Editor-in-Chief, is a four year reporter for DHS Press, first writing for the newspaper in 2018. They prefer to focus on pieces...