Anna Jones

Making French fun for Juan is Mrs. Woolley.

Merci Madame Woolley

Dear Madame Woolley,

Out of all the languages in the world, French is definitely not one of the easiest. From when I started it in 7th grade, to making it to AP level this year, I definitely wasn’t perfect at it. I thought high school-level French would be harder than what I did in middle school. However, I actually found it easier to understand than I ever could have before, and I owe it all to you.

My past two French teachers in middle school have been some of the most strictest teachers I’ve ever had. Truth be told, I didn’t always feel a sense of enjoyment when I was in their classes. I actually looked forward to going to French class each year, because your classes have genuinely been fun. This year has especially been fun, since our class is smaller and allowed us all to grow closer for our final year.

You make learning French actually interesting, especially by using Kahoot or Gimkit to help us practice our French vocabulary. I find it a lot better than just taking notes or watching a powerpoint, because interactive hands-on learning is a lot better for learning a new language. Besides, I’d rather take a fun alternative to learning than just a boring old textbook.

A lot of times I know that myself (and most of my classmates) have sometimes not kept up with work due to “senioritis” and the pile of work from other classes. However, I feel that the work you assign is manageable and doesn’t add on to the stress from other classes. Even then, you are very understanding with your grading and flexible with due dates. Myself and a lot of seniors truly appreciate that.

Like many other teachers, I know that you can be lenient at times and want us to stay focused. I know it’s all because you want to push us to do our best and achieve great things. I really do take the motivation to heart, and I accomplish everything to the best of my ability.

As the French AP exam approaches next week, I have all the preparation I need for the test, and I owe it all to you. It’s been a great four years having you, and I’ll miss you very deeply. Even long after I’ve graduated, I know that I’ll remember you as one of the teachers that influenced my life and taught me a valuable life skill.


Juan Alvarez

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