Media Center Will Move Locations Starting March 1

As part of a major renovation to switch the locations of the main office and media center, the media center will move into room 413 for the remainder of the construction.


Katie Ryan

Construction on switching the location of the offices and Media Center will begin on April 1.

The media center is facing major changes. The Media center as we know it will start to disappear and move into room 413. March 1st the library will officially close. 

Transitioning in March, the library will be closing and moving to room 413. However, It is not clear yet when the reopening will occur. “We’re hoping by April to reopen the library,” Mrs. Hitrik said. Construction to scheduled to start on April 1.

The library moving is a part of new renovations coming to Dominion this summer. The main office, to the guidance and career center will be where the library is located now, and the library will be located where the main office is today. 

Dr. Brewer said, “[We made this decisions due to] school security concerns, [so] LCPS decided to switch the Library and the main office.” This safety measure ensures that everyone who comes into the building throughout the day goes through the main office first, rather than going straight into the school. 

The new library is going to take over where the office is now. Brewer said, “[The new library] is going to be a little bit smaller than it is now, but they’re going to take everyone’s office to the career center.”

While construction for the new library will start in the summer, the media specialists are preparing now. “It’s stressful because we have to pack everything up in the library and condense [it] into a small space,” Librarian Mrs. Hitrik said. 

As the media center is moving to a smaller area, a lot of books will be placed in storage. However, teachers can request certain books. If a student wanted a certain book that was placed in storage, librarians can reach out to other schools to get that book. 

Throughout renovations, the books and supplies will be taken to a storage area, until the library is ready to re-open. 

Even though the library is moving to a smaller location, the librarians are still here to help with research papers, find books. 

“Our physical space will be a little uncertain, but we will always be here,” Library Media Specialist, Ms. Le said.The librarians emphasized that they are here to help and assist in any problems students might have. 

“The library will be finished when the next school year begins, but it won’t be ready for us to go in and use it, as they’ll be putting finishing touches on the first weeks of school, and the media center specialists will need a month to put all the books back,” Dr. Brewer said.

If you have any questions about the library, or want to talk to the librarians they are easily contacted.  The library has a Schoology course, V828-5JSC-SPTFT. Join this course to find new updates and library resources. Here you can find updates on the status of the library (if it’s closed or open).