Sterling Elementary is where Ms. Anderson inspired Tyler.

Sterling Elementary is where Ms. Anderson inspired Tyler.

Thank You Ms. Anderson

I want to take advantage of this teacher appreciation week and thank a teacher that made a huge impact in my life: my 6th grade English teacher, Ms. Anderson.

She helped me to develop my love for reading and writing that has taken me onto my current path of journalism and communication. We completed a large variety of assignments, ranging from poetry to research papers, which provided me exposure to so many different branches and opportunities within my education.

I always had a passion for writing, but her instruction helped me to further that interest. I was able to try my hand at writing many different types of papers. Eventually, this led me to finding a love of fictional writing, which to this day is still something that I find joy reading and writing about.

Her class was a safe space for me and for most people. She was a strict teacher, but she embraced that fact. All students within her class loved her, as she showed tough love to all. She pushed people to be better as students and as people.

I was actually excited to go to her class, which, as a middle school student, is quite the accomplishment. Her class gave me legitimate joy, and was a nice break of the stress and chaos of other classes. 

We had difficult work, but it was different from other classes. She made projects unique and allowed us freedom within our topics. We also did a lot of hands on and group work, which I enjoyed so much more as a hands-on learner.

I remember being pulled aside a couple times being told that an assignment was not my best work, so I would rework it and it would be infinitely better. That pushed me to do better in all of my classes and to put in more effort.

As a naïve 6th grader, I came into middle school lost and confused. Ms. Anderson’s class helped me to develop as a person. She helped me to develop my sense of humor and my very sarcastic personality. 

Ms. Anderson, if you read this I would just like to thank you for being a great teacher and for helping me to become who I am today. Happy teacher appreciation week to you and to all teachers.

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