An Interview with SCA President Mia Cvijanovic
SCA President Mia Cvijanovic and the rest of the SCA hopes to make the spring memorable for all Titans.
What have you and SCA been doing for the past couple months after your successful fall movie night?
We’ve been discussing how to reach out to everyone at Dominion, especially the groups we haven’t heard from. Our senior and junior committees recently sent out a survey to upperclassmen, just to have a quick check-in, see how they’re doing, and of course, hear them out on any ideas or feedback they might have. I hope to work our way to check in on the underclassmen during the second semester.
We’ve talked about introducing these surveys to advisory and Link Crew groups in order to have a better response turn out. With that, we can reach out to those without social media and those who don’t watch the announcements, since advisory and Link Crew are a common ground when it comes to every student’s schedule.
Are there any upcoming events/ plans that you have coming up?
Homecoming week has been something we’ve been discussing a lot more recently! We are working to see if the student body is still willing to have a homecoming by using social media. We hope to have a week-long celebration with a spirit week. Some ideas that have been in discussion include a drive-thru like event, and potentially even a color run or a glow-in-the-dark run. This of course all depends on how the COVID-19 situation is going in March.
Nothing is definite yet, but we are currently in the works of planning homecoming by discussing themes. Currently, I think we’re on track for hosting an in-person homecoming in March with the potential possibility of it being outdoors, hoping the COVID-19 situation settles down by then!
A lot of students have been experiencing the winter blues and morale has generally been down. What are your plans to resolve this?
I hope to take the beginning of the new year to continue to check in on the student body. We have an outreach committee who focus on reaching out to the students. Like mentioned before, I hope to check in on the underclassmen too, as well as getting the entire student body excited for our plans and ideas!
What are your plans to boost engagement with virtual days?
Incentives have been super successful, especially with the fall movie night we had. We hope to offer gift cards and prizes to motivate the student body and add a little school spirit competition.
I hope to be more open about our ideas and seek opinions from the student body as well. SCA is remaining optimistic as we often talk about new ideas in our Monday meetings. I would definitely want to conduct more polls on social media to make sure the student body is for our ideas, and of course hear them out if they had any ideas themselves.
Would you describe SCA as being successful this year? Why or why not?
I would say we are very successful. I’m super lucky to have my hardworking officer team and committee members. We help each other out with making our ideas a reality, creating proposals, they’re truly an amazing group of people. Through these difficult times, I believe we’re doing the best we can to make our school experiences as close to normal as possible.
How would students find out about what SCA is doing for them?
Social media has helped us a ton with getting the word out. The majority of students at Dominion have social media, we use multiple platforms like Instagram and Twitter to let them know the latest on what we’re working on. As for those who aren’t on social media, I hope to utilize announcement advertisements by creating videos to get the students excited about our next event.
How can students get involved this year with SCA if they want to?
To get involved this year, reach out to Mr. Haberman or Mr. Kroeze! They’ve been amazing sponsors this year and super supportive of the group’s ideas. Of course, feel free to reach out to me for any questions regarding SCA and how you can get involved!

Neena Peterson, the Co-Editor-in-Chief, is a four year reporter for DHS Press, first writing for the newspaper in 2018. They prefer to focus on pieces...