The Final Rose: Left Hanging Without A Rose Ceremony
Covering each episode of The Bachelorette, Caelan gives you an unfiltered, honest take on the night before.
After all of the exhilarating and shocking sneak peaks we got last week, Bachelorette lovers were impatiently waiting for this week’s episode! The episode started off with the announcement of the bachelors who would attend the group date. The note said, “I’m looking for someone who follows my heart. – Clare.” And of course, her “future husband” Dale was invited.
On the first group date, they were practicing the communication of love. They highlighted what Dale said to Clare the most, which was literally so repulsive. Clare responded to the compliments from her multiple boyfriends in a way that was so cringy, and most of the time it seemed like she was fishing for compliments.
The second part of the date ensued chaos. The men were running around the resort grabbing things that were important to them. Once they got the things, they gave it as gifts to Clare, to help describe their personality and what is important to them. This part felt out of place.
After, they focused on personal touch. Each contestant was blindfolded, and they began to touch each other. This was SO uncomfortable for me, other viewers, and the contestants; especially since it was right in the open, and also since we are in the middle of a global pandemic – it is so odd to see people being so handsy.
Clare arrived to meet the men for the night section of the group date and she was welcomed by a long awkward silence. None of the men jumped on the opportunity to talk to her privately, which is not often seen in this franchise. Most of the time, the contestants fight over the limited time they have to spend with the bachelor or Bachelorette. Let’s just say Clare was NOT happy about it.
Mr. Harvard grad himself, Bennett, took her and tried to have a genuine conversation. She ruined this by leaving him to scold the men. She, herself, recognized the awkwardness that was just displayed. Although I think she should’ve stood up for herself, I think that should’ve taken more time with Bennett since he wanted to spend time with her.
After her dramatic performance, Clare left with Dale (again!), and literally left Bennett in the room, alone – waiting for her return. If Clare wants to be treated with respect, she needs to treat the men with respect.
The group date rose was given to RILEY!! I was so happy, but super surprised since it was unexpected. I definitely thought it was going to be given to Dale since what else would she do?! Even the ego man – Dale – was surprised he hadn’t received it.
Jason got the first one-on-one date, where they were focusing on their emotion and feelings. Lowkey, this part wasn’t that interesting, other than the part where Clare said she was needy – thinking that we already didn’t know that. Jason got a rose as well, after telling Clare that people call him manipulative, cold, selfish, and dark. Seems a little sus to me. This is probably why the past few seasons haven’t worked out.
They then had another group date, and this one was much more interesting. The men were playing dodgeball, and the game determined the rest of the night. The winners got to spend the rest of their day with Clare, whereas the loser had to do the “walk of shame” back to the resort.
Clare changed the rules for the Dodgeball game to make it more weird and only fun for her. Her new “rule” was that the team that lost each round had to lose an article of clothing. This seemed so degrading to the men, since it was obvious that some of them did not want to strip for her. If the roles were reversed, and this was the Bachelor, the women would never be asked to take off their clothes. Is this even morally correct?
The red team one, and the blue team was sent home to the rest of the men, but completely nude. This was hurtful to watch as a viewer.
All of the sudden, all cameras are pointed to Blake. He was getting ready to crash the date of the red team. Anyone else get Luke P in Greece vibes? The men were not amused with this selfish action of Blake, and quickly jumped up to stop it. In the end, this action helped him since he received a personal rose before the rose ceremony. I don’t think that Clare should be encouraging these behaviors from the men since it shows that she can be pushed around.
Brandon got to have a personal talk with Clare after the incident. Brandon told her that he came since he thought she was really pretty and “other stuff.” Clare seemed extremely disappointed, and I don’t understand why. Clare sent him home right after the short conversation.
With this instance, I think Clare was completely wrong. Clare literally just manipulated the men into stripping for her, and then she sends someone home since he thinks she is attractive. It was hypocritical, and showed me how immature Clare is. A continuous message that underlies in this episode is the Golden Rule (treat others the way you want to be treated). Clare didn’t treat Bennett with respect, and then the men didn’t either. Clare doesn’t want to be liked for her looks, but then made men strip so she could admire their good looks.
The episode leaves us on a cliff hanger without concluding with a rose ceremony. The Bachelorette producers really know how to edit, since these trailers leading to the following episodes leave me counting down the days to the next episode.

Caelan Jones is Editor-in-Chief for DHS Press, where she has served for 3 years as a part of the program. As a Senior at Dominion, Caelan has been a part...