Get to Know the Student Graduation Speaker
Christian Calma has known since last year’s graduation that he wanted to be the speaker.
Calma will attend the University of Southern California next year.
Every seniors dream is to finally graduate high school and that dream will be achieved by the class of 2019 on June 9th. The part most high schoolers don’t experience is being able to speak in front of the entire graduating class, their family, friends, and staff members as well. Christian Calma, who will attend the University of Southern California, will have the honor of speaking at this years graduation.
Calma’s journey to be this year’s speaker at graduation has been in the making for a while now. Calma said, “I remember going to last year’s graduation and listening to Nneka Ezera give her speech to the Class of 2018. Her speech resonated with me and it inspired me to consider being the student speaker for my class. And throughout this last year, I have gradually convinced myself that I should do it. Though I would be speaking to a lot of people that make up the Dominion community, I think the idea of being able to provide everyone a reflection of these past four years and a piece of advice on what to do is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So, I shot my shot and submitted my speech, and here we are.”
The gym is always packed with people wanting to see these students finally graduate after years of schooling. There are so many people they fill both the auditorium and gymnasium for the ceremony. “It is really exciting to have the chance to speak at graduation, but of course, there is this unavoidable anxiety when thinking about speaking in front of everyone just because I really hope that my speech goes well,” Calma said.
Calma was a very active student in Dominion being involved in many different aspects including the art program, writing center, and the Dominion track team. Calma found all three of these individuals to play a very powerful and meaningful in his life as well as he said, “Obviously, a lot of teachers had a lot of impact on me, whether it was positive or negative. But, two of the most significant ones have to be my English and art teachers. Ms. Rinder has been my English teacher since freshman year when I had her for Zero Period. She has really had a strong hand in transforming me into not only the student I am, but also the individual I have become. Ms. Freeman also has been my art teacher since sophomore year. She has created this space where I have been able to express myself artistically and challenge myself with the pieces I was working on. Because of her, I have become a better artist. Additionally, my track coach, Coach Wesoky, has also been a recurring presence in my time at Dominion. Having been on track since freshman year, I have seen him a lot, and his passion for running and his commitment to the program has been something I have always greatly admired.”
Calma plans to become a licensed architect and will take architecture as his major and plans to minor in urban planning and photography. He has already began teaching himself the new software that will be needed for his architectural major as well.

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