Teeing Off For Titans

Every year, Dominion’s parent association, ATLAS, hosts an event called Tee Off For the Titans or the 14th annual Dominion Classic Golf Tournament. This year, the event took place on May 17th at the 1757 Golf Club in Dulles, VA. The event is dubbed “Dominion High School’s Largest Fundraiser”, as the proceeds to go clubs and activities in the school.
Mark Harrington, the committee chairman of the Dominion Classic, described why the event was founded, “It was founded as a way to raise money for ATLAS and support each and every Titan at Dominion.” Harrington has been on the committee for Tee Of For Titans for six years, and it is his third year as the committee chairman.
The Dominion Classic has a variety of costs that goes into making the event happen. As Harrington explains, “The event costs are mostly golf, food, beverages and spirit wear for the participants.” The total came to around $20,000. Despite this seemingly large cost, the event still makes money for Dominion, “Our profits come [mostly] from sale of sponsorships to local businesses and individuals and our raffle and auction,” Harrington continued, “We will make a net profit of about $100k over the 3 years that I have been chairman.” ATLAS works together with Dr. Brewer to make decisions where the money from the event goes towards.
The event supports Dominions goal of reaching its 2020 vision, which is to, “promote high achievement amount [Dominion’s] most vulnerable students [and] inspire each and every Titan to led a life of significance.” The Dominion Classic meets this goal by providing money to different aspects of the schools which meet different initiatives. As Harrington said, “We support all of the students at Dominion, with clubs, activities, extracurriculars, and academics.” These three initiatives are promoting high achievement among Dominion’s most vulnerable students, inspiring each and every Titan to lead a life of significance, and promoting excellence.
The Dominion Classic works to promote high achievement for vulnerable students by providing stipends for club sponsors not supported by LCPS, which is $3,000 for clubs such as Hip Hop Dance Team and National Honors Society. On top of that $3,500 are given out to students in a variety of different activities, including field trip expenses, SAT fees, debate participation fees, and athletic participation fees.
Money from the event also goes toward inspiring Titans to lead a life of significance through a variety of activities. The Loudoun International Youth Leadership Conference receives $2,000, Link Crew receives $2,350, Sources of Strength receives $1,000, AVID college visits receives $500, and $3,000 goes towards guest speakers for Special Abilities Awareness Week, Sources of Strength, and Black History Month.
The events final goal is to promote excellence for Dominion students, which is seen through a variety of awards and events. Scholarship and award money is provided in many areas, as $1,000 is given out for awards for academic achievement and community service, $300 is given out for art awards, $250 is given out for the Poetry Out Loud Competition, and $300 is given out for writing contests. Other educational opportunities are also funded, including enhancement of instructional technology, which receives $5,000, the Writing Center receives $800, Adaptive Physical Education Field Day receives $250, and $1,000 goes towards Bi-Literacy testing fees.
Each individual golfer had to pay $195 in order to play. The cost included the round of gold, range access, lunch, welcome amenities, a post-tournament award reception, silent action, and raffle.

Morgan Fischer has been on the DHS Press Staff since 2017, and first wrote for them in 2016. Now a senior, Fischer was named Editor-in-Chief in 2018. She...