Truly Titan Team Discusses Potential Major Changes to Zero Day and Partnership Night
There wasn’t a large turnout for the Truly Titan Team Meeting
On Wednesday morning there was a Truly Titan meeting in room 107 to discuss school spirit, Zero Day, and Partnership Night. Six teachers, two counselors, the IFT, one parent, and one assistant principal were there. There were no students present for the 2nd meeting in a row.
Changes to Zero Day are potentially coming to Dominion this upcoming school year. Two dates are the only options for Zero Day: Tuesday, August 20th at 10am or Wednesday, August 21st at 8am, which is the day before school starts. The overall consensus seemed to be to have Zero Day on the 20th.
It was also said to have Zero Day as more of a run through of students schedules and having a focus on the students, rather than the parents. Instead of having parents come to Zero Day, teachers would make a video to send to parents about their class. It was also said that teachers should have a template for certain things that students and parents want to know, and in order to get this information, poll parents to see what information they want to know.
Partnership Night was the last topic that was discussed. Suggestions were made to make the night earlier in the year, and not waiting till after the 1st Quarter ends. This new date was proposed to be at the end of September or first week of October, but not to be interfering with Homecoming. The format of Partnership was also up for debate, with a new idea to have the format as an open house with parent workshops. The open house would keep the teachers in their classrooms, rather than having all the teachers in the cafeteria and the gym. Workshops would also help parents to learn how to navigate different programs, including Naviance and Parent VUE.
The group also discussed different ways to increase school spirit within Dominion through increasing attendance at many different events at the school, such as Homecoming, Prom, theater events, concerts, and athletic contests by tracking the ticket sales at those games.
One of these ideas was to publicize more rivalry games and have more doubleheader varsity games. This also includes promoting the Friday night contests rather than other contests during the week. Many marketing ideas to get students into those events were pitched including: more activities during the game and during halftime, giving freshman one free ticket to a sporting event, giving free passes for students who receive free and reduced lunch, and not having work due the Monday after homecoming.
The Truly Titan Team Meetings are open to any and all students, staff, and parents. The next meeting is scheduled for March 13 at 8am in room 107. The Truly Titan Team is the group that decided last year to make Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break free from assignments.

Morgan Fischer has been on the DHS Press Staff since 2017, and first wrote for them in 2016. Now a senior, Fischer was named Editor-in-Chief in 2018. She...