Math Department Shuffles their Teachers
The Dominion High School math department has altered the schedules of both students and teachers to compensate for the unexpected leave of a teacher.
The teacher, who taught Pre-Calculus and Algebra 1, has seen his classes replaced by many Dominion staff members, but before that, the classes had a long-term sub for a month named David Myers.
Dr. Brewer made the switch. “Realizing that we had a substitute in the room for a month, it felt like we needed to make a move and needed our experienced staff members teaching the classes,” Brewer said.
The Pre-Calculus blocks were taken over by the Math Department chair Cynthia Sokol and Calin Lupas. “Mrs. Sokol has taught Math Analysis in the past, but I don’t think she has ever taught Pre-Calc so it’s a new preparation for her,” Dr. Brewer said.
Sokol is teaching the first and seventh block while eight block is now being taught by Mr. Lupas, who, according to Dr. Brewer, has not taught Pre-Calculus in Dominion High School. However, Lupas did teach Pre-Calculus for a few years while teaching in Prince Edward County.
Lupas is taking on more classes than is normal, teaching six classes. Normally, teachers will only teach five.
As for the students, who have now had three teachers in the school year, all parties expressed some disappointment with the situation. One of the students in Lupas’s new 8th block class,
Sydney Bravo said, “I think it’s made the class a lot harder because along with the information we’re learning in class, we have to adjust to the different teaching styles.”
Lupas expressed a similar sentiment, “It’s not the best situation.”
Brewer was confident in his staff, “It’s never ideal, that’s one of the reasons I wanted to give them some of the best teachers we have in the building.”

Varun Shankar is a senior at Dominion High School. He has always wanted to be a journalist, largely because of its writing focus. His love of sports then...