Sports Rundown
Find out the results of last weeks competitions, as well as the competitions coming up this week.

Boys Basketball
11/27 vs Potomac Falls L 61-50
11/29 vs Millbrook L 65-59
Next: Tuesday 12/3 against Stone Bridge
Girls Basketball
11/27 vs Potomac Falls L 62-24
11/30 vs Millbrook L 40-60
Next: Wednesday 12/4 against Stone Bridge
No scores reported
Boys Swim and Dive
No scores reported
Next: Saturday 12/8 against Loudoun Valley
Girls Swim and Dive
No scores reported
Next: Saturday 12/8 against Loudoun Valley
No scores reported
Next: 12/07 Dual against Mt. Vernon
Boys Indoor Track
No scores reported
Next: 12/08 Invitational at Battlefield
Girls Indoor Track
No scores reported
Next: 12/08 Invitational at Battlefield

Varun Shankar is a senior at Dominion High School. He has always wanted to be a journalist, largely because of its writing focus. His love of sports then...