Girls on the Map Lands at Dominion

Solitaire Carroll shares her experiences about networking for her organization, One Sparrow.

Beginning this year at Dominion is an organization whose mission is to engage and empower female students to reach their full potential and pursue leadership positions in careers of global impact. Girls on the Map, a high school version of the program titled Women on the Map,  connects students with women in a wide range of global careers.

Club founder and sponsor, Ms. Relator said, “At Girls on the Map we want girls to know they can make a career out of making the world a better place.  This aligns with Sustainable Development Goal #SDG5 and the UN Women campaign #planet5050 which promotes policies to for gender equity.”

A lot of the connections have been via video conferencing, however they did have a speaker come to their meeting February 21st. Relator said, “The networking workshop was an idea I had in order to prepare for future networking events/ job shadowing.  Mrs. Braxton-Brandt helped me find Solitaire Carroll through her network.”

Solitaire Carroll, an associate at Booz Allen Hamilton and co-founder of One Sparrow, a non-profit working to reduce homelessness and extreme poverty around the world focused on the ideas of networking when she visited the morning of February 21st.

Discussing the importance of connections, Carroll gave tips on a wide range of topics, from what day of the week to apply for a job to the importance of traveling in packs. She expressed the need to send a written thank you within 72 hours and to always reply on the email chain to remind the person, who you may have met for just 5 minutes, about yourself.

An important lesson Carroll wanted to express to the girls at the meeting was the idea of never burning a bridge because she has had some relationships from 10 years ago come back around. Another idea stressed was that social media is forever.

“The thing that is different about Girls on the Map, is that  it is not a club, it is a leadership series open to any student and based on career readiness for the global world,” Relator said.

For more information, go to Check out #GRLMAP on twitter and insta for posts from past meetings.