My ACL Story


      Being unable to do the things you love, dolefully sucks. This past summer, I worked really hard to be ready to go when basketball season came around; I went to trainings and camps, and I even joined Cross Country to get in tip-top shape. Last year, I made the JV team, had a blast, and built some really close friendships. I was filled with eagerness to go into a fresh new season. About two months ago it all came crashing down…I tore my ACL during a pre-season basketball workout.

      One minute I am able to do the thing I love to my fullest potential, then all of a sudden I can’t even walk without pain.

      Being involved in a team sport is a substantial part of high school. From making new friends, mastering new skills, distinguishing weaknesses from strengths, and so much more; in my eyes, sports really shape a person’s character.

      With sports being taken away from me, I had to learn how to cope with not being active. It is often weary listening to how my friends basketball game went or the latest happenings with the Track team.

      The most important thing when dealing with trials is mindset and determination. Since my injury, I have tried to look at the positives rather than the negatives. It has been exhausting at times, but I have kept my head held high.

      When recovering from an injury like mine, it is essential to put in twice as much effort, so that the road to a full recovery is as quick as possible. With doing this, my recovery is going in the right direction.

      Now, with extra time on my hands, I have been getting involved in volunteer work whenever I can, along with focusing more on my studies and most importantly, myself. If an obstacle comes your way, think of it as a new adventure that you can overcome and learn from rather than a hurdle that you can not get over. My enthusiasm and dedication gets me through this difficult obstacle.