Game of the Week: Field Hockey vs. Heritage
Who: Dominion Field Hockey vs. Heritage
When: Thursday, October 5th 5:30 pm
Where: Dominion High School
Why: Dominion’s Field Hockey team is Dominion’s most successful team so far this year. They have an incredible 9-1 record, with their only loss in the season being their first game against Briar Woods who are currently 10-2. It is also Senior Night, and there are four Titan seniors who are playing their last season with field hockey at Dominion: Olivia Cook, Adare McCann, Jordan Pourhashemi, and Catherine Renick. Their opponent, Heritage, is also having a very strong season with a 10-1 record. Heritage also beat Dominions only loss, Briar Woods, on September 19th, 3-1. The Titans have four more games left in the regular season and also a game against J.E.B. Stuart High School on Monday, October 2nd. They are looking for a strong finish to a very strong season.

Morgan Fischer has been on the DHS Press Staff since 2017, and first wrote for them in 2016. Now a senior, Fischer was named Editor-in-Chief in 2018. She...