LCPS Annual College Fair 2017
Loudoun County’s annual College Fair will be held on Sunday, September 24th at Stone Bridge High School from 2:30-5pm. The LCPS college fair has been happening annually for over 40 years. The fair is an opportunity for students and parents to learn about the colleges and universities attending, who send representatives from all over the country to attend the fair.
It is highly recommended that juniors and seniors attend this fair to receive more information about the colleges, universities, academies, and military branches they would like to attend or are interested in post graduation, although all LCPS students are encouraged to attend. According to The LCPS student Services Program Assistant, Theresa Kurzeja, 500 students have already signed up.
There are currently 162 colleges, universities, academies, and military branches signed up to attend the fair and there is expected to be a few more added before Sunday. Students and parents who attend will be able to speak directly with the admissions representatives and school representatives of schools that may be on their radar. The Director of School Counseling at Dominion, Ms. Smith said,”It’s a great opportunity to ask questions to colleges without having to travel hundreds of miles to the campus.”
Students and parents can gather general information about the schools, and can also ask specific questions they might have. This general information includes the majors and different programs, scholarships, and unique study opportunities, like studying abroad, and internships that the college might offer.
Three main public universities, and popular choices for Dominion students are holding breakout sessions offered in the auditorium. The three schools are: Virginia Tech University, James Madison University, and University of Virginia. The Virginia Tech session will be from 2:45-3:15pm , the James Madison session will be from 3:30-4:00pm, and The University of Virginia session will be from 4:15-4:45pm.
Students should also register for the fair on the website to receive a barcode. The barcode helps the students provide information to the college representatives, this will allow students to spend less time completing information cards and to spend more time talking to the college representatives one-on-one. The colleges can use this information to keep the students informed about what is happening with the college through email and snail mail.
To prepare for the fair, Kurzeja said,”Go to the college fair webpage and look through the list of schools attending, then make your own list of schools you want to see. Maybe add a couple you hadn’t thought of. Have an idea of what you want to ask, and if you want a few ideas, check out the Helpful Resources section of the [LCPS] webpage.”
To find more infomation like a list of all the schools attending and their location in Stone Bridge itself visit (

Morgan Fischer has been on the DHS Press Staff since 2017, and first wrote for them in 2016. Now a senior, Fischer was named Editor-in-Chief in 2018. She...
Faith Shote • Sep 24, 2017 at 1:35 pm
This is a good article, really helping me understand what the college fair is about.