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Stock Market reaction to 2016 Presidential Election

It was predicted that if Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election, the stock market would crash as Americans rushed to get their money back. Many citizens had put their money on Clinton winning, and the surge of votes for Trump caused many to panic.

While stocks did not crash completely, they did drop at an alarming rate, hitting their deepest trough shortly after 12 a.m. However, they rose steadily on from there and were mostly level a few hours later. As the nation woke up on November 9, stocks even began to ascend to all-time highs with DOW Jones jumping up 300 points.

For further information on the stock market, visit the following site:


Samsung May be Releasing Galaxy S8

Many individuals who bought the recently released Samsung Note were soon disappointed as the phones began to suddenly burst into flame. In order to appease the customers who were disappointed with their new phones, Samsung may be releasing the Galaxy S8 in the near future.

For further information on Samsung’s possible new release, visit the following site: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/samsung-could-release-a-large-screen-galaxy-s8-to-entice-note-customers/ar-AAk69OW